•    Students seeking admission into Chavara Academy shall get application form from the school office as per the availability of admission
•    Submit the duly filled application form at the school office at least one day before the date of interview/ Test and get the interview card.
•    Appear for interview/ Test on the prescribed date and time along with the parent(s) or Guardian. Interview card is compulsory.
•    The selected candidates shall get the admission form from the school office. Fill it and submit at the school office within the stipulated date.
•    Once the duly filled admission forms along with the required documents are submitted, and the first installment of free is paid; only then the admission is confirmed.


•    Read the admission procedure thoroughly and fill up the application/admission form without mistakes. Incomplete or erroneous forms shall not be considered.
•    Documents to be submitted during admission

1.    Per-Primary students: Date of birth certificate issued by the municipal/ panchayat /hospital duty attested.
2.    Classes I to V: Record sheet and the copy of of the marks card from the school last attended.
3.    Classes VI onward: Transfer certificate and the copy of the marks card from the scholl last attended. If the student is from other state the T.C must be counter signed with DEO/MEO

•    Photos: Affix a passport size photograph each  on the application form,interview card and  on the admission from. During the admission, submit photos as required for ID card, Bus pass ,Diary,Achievement record[total7]

•    Interview/Entrance Test  :

1.    KG: Listening  and responding/reading and writing capacity of the child is considered .
2.    Classs I onwards: There will be an interview and entrance test conducted on the subjects English,Maths, Science,Telugu & Hindi
•    Performance of the child during the interview/test shall be the sole criterion for the selection, and there shall be no place for recommendation.
•    The parent/Guardian shall accompany the child during the admission procedure.
•    Age Limit:The child must be 3+ years for LKG and for the higher classes the corresponding age limit shall be satisfied. The child must compete the required age limit on or before August 31.